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“Ginevra de’ Benci” 1474-78

Just like Leonardo, Ginevra was born in Italy. As we can see from the picture, her beauty illuminates through the frame hence one of the reasons why Leonardo decided paint her. Though some say that she broke DaVinci’s Heart She was only known for her beauty, but she was also known for being a poet as well. But don’t let the picture fool you, at this time of this painting Ginevra was 16 years old and was also engaged. Engaged to who you might ask, the person’s name was Luigi di Bernardo Niccoloni. DaVinci created this painting to Commemorate the marriage as well using his hands and utilizing oil paint.


“Vitruvian man” is one of the most interesting pieces known to man, you’ve most likely seen this piece act as a cameo in specific shows representing intelligence because how skilled yo’d have to draw this only using geometry basics from the 15th century. . This sketch was made by drawing in metal point ink and pen. The drawing acted as an example of what the male body is like, he used his studies in geometry and to assist in draw the proportions of the body to create balance shown in the picture of the body. DaVinci was trying to explore the connection between Nature and The Body with this drawing. As of right now the drawing can be seen in  “ the Gallerie dell’ Accademia in Venice, Italy, though it is rarely displayed for the public, largely because the drawing is fragile and must be constantly monitored and protected from direct light.”


The last supper is a classic painting even still used today by Christians. This Painting is supposed to depict Jesus eating his last meal with his fellow disciples. The painting also portrays Jesus’ work and life and mark as people’s new covenant. This piece took DaVinci 3 years because of the technique he used to paint it which is fresco painting. Fresco painting was hard because how quick the paint would dry not allowing the artist to do last minute changes. Though we don’t get the idea why he chose to draw Jesus like that. Rumors has it that Jesus originally doesn’t look like how he is shown today, it was a just a random painting of a guy Davinci knew.


The Crossbow’s technicality is way complex to figure out for an average person, even with the resources, so the fact that Leonardo Created a whole Sketch of it perfected explains the leagues that he is above of.  The impressive part about this sketch isn’t that it is because it is a crossbow, because even back then there were crossbows, The impressive part about this is that he made a more advanced model than the already so called advanced model of the crossbow. As always DaVinci used his expertise in mathematics to construct is crossbow designs. Leonardo was the first modern engineer to apply mathematical geometry of the laws of motions onto the machine designs.


DaVinci’ creations don’t only stop at weapons it goes beyond. He even created the blueprint of a helicopter aka aerial screw. That was what was so revolutionary about DaVinci, he conjured ideas that would usually be conjured year before our current years> he made the sketch using ink as he always does. Even though the helicopter does look kind of light, it still represents an aerial kind of travel. His sketch was seen as the first designed VTOL aerial machine. Before he even thought of sketching designs for a helicopter, he came up with a water lifting device leading to the aerial, since technically they use the same mechanism.

” SALVATOR MUNDI”. 1490-1500

Salvator Mundi is known to be one of the most controversial paintings as of right know. It was said to be depicting Christ as the savior world. Mundi holds an orb in his left hand and creates a cross with his other.Leonardo used walnut oil for this painting instead of the usual linseed oil. Some believe that Christ never really looked like this. Salvator was used as a model to portray Jesus and its price shook the art world by surprise coming in a whopping 450 million dollars, almost near one billion dollars. Along with its questionable price tag , there is also theory going around about its whereabouts and also if DaVinci even painted the piece, insinuating that the painting can be a scam. 


Leonardo’s DaVinci’s would always use to never fish his artworks because of how busy he always was and unfortunately this painting was one of them “the virgin and the child”. It was an unfinished oil painting, and for something unfished it look amazing. There is usually a common theme upon DaVinci’s paintings, they surround the theme of Christianity. The Picture demonstrates the joys of motherhood and the sorrowful premonition of Christ death. The mainly depicts Saint Anne, her daughter the virgin Mary and the infant Jesus. And Jesus is shown grabbing the lamb along his passion at an early age while the virgin restrains him. The painting as right know is 150 -250 million.

“MONA LISA” 1503

Lastly the Mona Lisa. There is a reason why I saved this painting last, it is known as one of the most famous painting an artist has every done. The painting can be seen everywhere you look, in tv shows walls beside the streets but renovated. it is one of the most inspiring paintings of our time. Not one soul born from the 2000s do not know who The Mona Lisa is, it’s so good it is considered to be priceless meaning nobody can get it. There were even attempts of stealing the Mona Lisa and some people succeed. The Mona Lisa was and painted using sfumato hence why it took a long time, and use he used his hand at that. You can now see the paining in the Louvre Museum. The Mona Lisa Will continue to be talked about for the ages.